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TO the fedral Office of refugees
Federal Offices of Refugees in
Countries within the European Union and USA
East Turkistan (the so- called Xinjiang Uyghur
Autonomous Region ) is the only province in China where the execution of
political prisoners is carried out. Even in Tibet and Inner Mongolia no
political prisoner has been executed since 1990. This can only prove how
specific and oppresive China`s policy is towards the people of East Turkistan.
In recent years, the Chinese government has intensified its control of those
who have visited their family members, studied or vacationed abroad. Upon
their return from overseas, these Uyghurs face questioning, detention or even
torture. In some cases, the Chinese authorities create false evidences to use
against them in order to put them behind bars. Anyone who was once involved
with any organizations abroad that oppose Chinas occupation of East Turkistan
faces serve punishment even if they decide to live by the Chinese law
after they return home. For example, on 19 July 1999
Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Ili Prefecture Middle Court sentenced
Zulpiqar Memet to death ,Tursun Abdulla and Ablikim Memet five years
imprisonment each for joining anti- government organization abroad. Zulpiqar
Memet was executed on the same day.
According to the No 138 document issued by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous
Region Ili Prefecture Middle Court, in 1996 Zulpiqar Memet, Tursun Abdulla and
Ablikim Memet went to study in Egypt via Kazakhstan. In early
1997, the three young Uyghurs joined East Turkistan Liberation Organision. In
December 1997 they returned to East Turkistan and soon were arrested by
the Chinese authorities in spite of the fact that they did not involve in any
anti government activities after they returned. They were kept in detention
until the open court rally and sentencing in 1999. Zulpiqar Memets case was
mentioned in Amnesty Internationals report published on June 16 2000.
In recent years many Uyghur organizations in exile based their head
quarters in countries within the European Union. For example, East Turkistan
National Congress, World Uyghur Youth Congress, East Turkistan Union
Europe, German Uyghur Association, Belgium Uyghur Association and Swiss East
Tutkistan Association are all based in Europe. There are about 1000 Uyghur
members who take part in the peaceful activities which aim to promote
democracy and freedom for the people of East Turkistan. According to the
information we obtained from contacts who wish to remain anonymous, the family
members of Uyghur asylum seekers are often harassed by the Chinese
authorities. Some of them are even detained or tortured.
However it is very disturbing to see that some European countries are
rejecting the applications for political asylum of those Uyghurs who had to
escape from prosecution at home .Some Uyghurs even face deportation . Its not
difficult to see from the case of Zulpiqar Memet what kind of fate
awaits those Uyghurs if they are forced to return home.
We also like to point out that the Chinese authorities had organized an
overseas Chinese conference in the Chinese capital this June. At the
conference, it is decided that all the Uyghurs who have traveled abroad should
be investigated and Uyghurs living overseas should be carefully
observed.( Free Asia Radio in America had broadcasted news about the
conference earlier.) In his December 1999 speech, Wang Lequen ,the governor of
the so- called Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region pointed out that all Uyghurs
who have traveled abroad must be investigated and designated the police to
take concrete steps to do so.
Therefore , we hope that European countries will take into consideration of
the dire situation Uyghur asylum seekers face at home so that their cases will
be processed in a fair and justifiable way. (We are
ready to provide actual documents when necessary.)
Mr. Abduljelil Qaraqash
President of East Turkistan Information Center

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