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"I N DE P E N D E N C E",
The Eastern Turkestan "Uyghuristan" National Congress would welcome
contributions from our young intellectuals, scholars, writers, historians, and
sympethizers of the cause around the world to the Newspaper "I N DE P E N
D E N C E", which is the official voice of the umbrella organization. In the
Newspaper we have been trying to inform our people both at home and abroad
about what is being done on their behalf abroad, what the international
developments are in regard of our cause, what the free world thinks about us,
to reflect both positive and critical viewpoints about ourselves, and to shed
light into the future. As we shortly launch our own Web page, and intend to put the
Newspaper into internet, look forward
to more inputs from you to boost the quality and
the quantity of the "INDEPENDENCE". Contributions, in form of news or short scripts, which would
serve our cause, helpfull to upgrade our work abroad and beneficial to
our readers are well come in Uyghur, Turkish, English and Chinese languages,
and will be given proper attention.
We are prepared to send the Newspaper, for those who have not seen "INDEPENDENCE"
yet and want to view it, or would like to receive a regular copy, just on
charge of postal costs.
With best regards,
Perhat Muhammedi
Chief Editor
"I N D E P E N D E N C E"
