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ттStudent visa

From: Information <>/Washington, Nov. 21 (UIA)

                         In the school year of   2000,   514,723 foreign students have been enrolled in the US higher learning institutions and 54,446 of them are from P. R. China, outnumbering foreign students in any given country, a recent report released by a US research center said.           "The China Journal", a Chinese language newspaper published in the United States, said the statistics was released by US International Education Research Center.            According to the statistics, Asian students occupy 54% of all foreign students currently studying in US while  Chinese students outnumbered the Japanese, topping the list of foreign students.     According to the US Embassy in Beijing website, the embassy issues more than 8,000 visas annually to                 Chinese student visa applicants. However, only a few, some years even none, Uyghurs out of some 20-30 student visa applicants are given visas to study in US, according to the Tangri-Tagh Overseas Scholars & Students Association (TOSSA), a nonprofit Uyghur organization promoting education in the US.                A faxed statement from the US State Department said, "There are no special provisions for Uyghur student visa applicants. If any applicant cannot demonstrate that his or her intent, at the time they are
interviewed for a visa, is to depart from the US at the end of their studies, then under law a consular officer cannot issue a visa". Nevertheless, every year a great number of Chinese students who have "proved" their intent to depart the United States after graduation never return to China.         The United States considers the Uyghurs and the Tibetans "Chinese". Therefore, the chances of the
Uyghur and Tibetan students getting a visa to study in        US are next to none.           Tughluk Abdurazak, the communications director of  TOSSA, said, "The number of Uyghurs who are given visas by the US Embassy in Beijing is on the decrease every  year. As far as I know, only two Uyghur students are given visas this year."              Bhuchung Tsering, the director of International
Campaign for Tibet in Washington, DC, said, "The US  Embassy in Beijing treats the Tibetans as "Chinese".           There is no different treatment in terms of Tibetans applying for student visa. Most Tibetans come to the US  from the Indian sub-continent."              "Only a dozen Tibetans was granted visa since P. R.              China was founded", Tsering said.        

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