
hearings for the incoming Secretary of State

From: Jack Churchward <trinley@churchward.com>

The United States Senate will begin confirmation hearings for the incoming Secretary of State on the 16th and 17th of January 2001. Please call or fax your Senators and Congressmen to urge that
Secretary of State-designate ColinPowell be questioned about the
brutal treatment served up by the Chinese government with the torture
and subsequent executions of two young Uyghur men. Perhaps the  Secretary of State-designate is unaware of the brutality of the Chinese government and their callous disregard for fundamental human rights. In addition, here are the phone and where available, fax numbers and email addresses of the Senators on the Senate Foreign   Relations Committee that will be questioning him.  Chairman Jesse Helms (R-NC) 202-224-6342 FAX:(202) 228-1339
email: jesse_helms@helms.senate.gov
Richard Lugar (R-IN) 202-224-4814 No Fax found ,email:senator_lugar@lugar.senate.gov

Chuck Hagel (R-NE) 202-224-4224 FAX: (202) 224-5213
email: http://www.senate.gov/~hagel/Email/contact.html
Sam Brownback (R-KS) 202-224-6521 FAX: (202) 228-1265
email http://www.senate.gov/~brownback/email.html
Craig Thomas (R-WY) 202-224-6441 Fax: (202) 224-1724
Bill Frist (R-TN) 202-224-3344 No Fax Found
email: senator_frist@frist.senate.gov
Gordon Smith (R-OR) 202-224-3753 Fax: (202) 228-3997
email: http://www.senate.gov/~gsmith/webform.htm
Joseph Biden (D-DE)  202-224-5042 Fax: (202) 224-0139
email: senator@biden.senate.gov
Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) 202-224-4524 No fax found
email: http://www.senate.gov/~sarbanes/email.html
Christopher Dodd (D-CT) 202-224-2823 Fax: (202) 224-1083
email: Senator@dodd.senate.gov
John Kerry (D-MA) 202-224-2742 Fax: (202) 224-8525
email: http://www.senate.gov/~kerry/contact.html
Russ Feingold (D-WI) 202-224-5323 No Fax Found
email: http://www.senate.gov/~feingold/services/contactrdf.html#form
Paul Wellstone (D-MN) 202-224-5641 No Fax found
email: http://wellstone.senate.gov/webform.html
Barbara Boxer (D-CA) 202-224-3553 No Fax found
email: http://boxer.senate.gov/contact/webform.html
Robert Torricelli (D-NJ) 202-224-3224  No Fax found
email: http://torricelli.senate.gov/webform.html
Please fax a copy of your letter to the Chinese Embassy to the US at:
(202) 588-0032
Also, the Political Affairs officer of the Embassy can be reached at:
(202) 745-7473
Sample letter

Dear sir/madame,

The recent executions of two young Uyghur men from the Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region of the Peoples Republic of China, also known as Eastern Turkestan signals another instance of the continuing atrocities against the people of Inner Mongolia, Tibet and Eastern Turkestan. As documented by Amnesty International through Chinese government documents, the confessions were extracted by torture and neither man was convicted of a violent act. The People's Republic of China professes to be ready to join the civilized world, yet their actions speak louder than their fanciful speeches and colorful talk. I call on your great position to ask of the Secretary of State Designate, Colin Powell, how US Foreign policy towards the PRC will help to alleviate the suffering of the people of Tibet, Eastern Turkestan, and Inner Mongolia and change their inhuman treatment at the hands of the Chinese government. Many citizens of the United States are interested in the plight of the people of Eastern Turkestan, Inner Mongolia and Tibet and are wondering when the leaders of our great nation will take a stand for human rights and dignity.
Thank you for your time and attention,

