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 Uygur literature      

  - Some works  from the past -


             The first Uygur literature works were mostly translations of Buddhist  and  Manichist religious books Besides, during the expeditions some narrative ,poetic, and epic works were also discovered . Some of these books have been translated into German ,English ,Russian , and Turkish .     After embracing Islam ,Uygurs continued to preserve their culture dominance in Central Asia.  In this period hundreds of Uygur scholars ,well known to the world , emerged hundreds of valuable books were written. One hundred and thrity of these important works were discovered later.  Among these works Uygur scholar  Yusuf Has  Hajip`s book  Kutatku Bilik, Mahmud Kashgari`s Divani  Lugatit Turk, Ahmet Yukneki`s  Atabetul Hakayik, are very famous. Yusuf Has Hajip`s Kutatku Bilik , was written in 1069 - 1070 . It is a unique example of a work that explains social ,cultural, and poltical lives of the Uygurs during this period.  Mahmud Kashgari`s Divani Lugatit Turk, which was also written in this age, bears knowledge as to the dialects of various Turkic people living at that time .It also gives information about the dialectical differences, their social upbringings ,their customs ,as well as the regions they inhabited . the author of this encyclopedic dictionary wandered amidst all of the Turkic peoples before he compiled his work,sudied all the data and thus provided a sound academic basis. Divani Lugatit Turk ,is one of the main source of Turkic Studies today.

 Uyghur Poetry- 
TenlirimYapiraq  - by Lutpulla Mutallip

2- Inqilaptin  -   by    Abdulkerim Gheni        

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