Romanized Uyghur  Script

See what your other Uygur brothers say about it !


From: Abdullah Turkestani

             I think using the Romanized script it is evail thinking from chinese govrment, to take us away from our roots and our past history. the arbic script is part of our dignety , Do not listen to their reson, Look to the  arbic world they are using the arbic character in there computer with no
problems same with the Urdu which use smillar Arabic script as we are doing
and they never complaint about encounting problems with computer.  Even now there is a lot of software in our own language. Let stick with our script and we should proud of it because it is part of
our belive our Holly Quran is writing in arbic, If we change the script the next genration can not read the Quran as we do, by this way we willbe away from our religon, which is the resone the communist afraid of us and our religon is the driving force to have our freedom By the well of Allah.

Abdullah Turkistani

Romanized Uyghur  Script

See what your other Uygur brothers say about it !
