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 1.Who is the "enemy that Wang Lequan talked about?  "Eastern Turkestan Information Center" has recently obtained a full text of  the secret report made by Wang Lequan, Secretary of the Communist Party of  so called "Autonomous Region", at the meeting of the senior officials held  in Hotan district on December 17, 1999. Wang Lequan's report written on 22  pages in Chinese characters has the note "top secret". The report consists  of 15 paragraphs.  In the first part of the report Wang Lequan informs that on August 8 the    Central Committee of the Communist party of so called "Autonomous Region"  held a special meeting devoted to the constant work in Hotan, and praises  extremely the faithful sercice of the official of different degrees of the  Hotan district to the Communist Party, then he says: " Last time  in Hotan  district there have been reached certain successes in the constant work,  however the work should not be stopped, and the enemy should not be given  time to take a breath, you must follow the way we showed in this work  deepening it further". Under the mask of  "constant work" he gave  instruction on how strengthen the policy of crackdown toward the local  population in the district of Hotan.  At the same time he made obvious that  at the congress of the Communist Perty Committee of so called "Autonomous  Region" have worked out a malicious plan to achieve certain political goals  and that this plan is being fulfilled through the officials of different  rank in Hotan under the leadership of the Communist Party Central Committee  of "Autonomous Region". The political situation in Hotan exremely  deteriorated since august 1999.  In the beginning of his speech Wang Lequan dwelling upon the question of  the aim of his arrival in Hotan said: "talking about intentions, the aim of  our present visit is to resolve the problem of changing completely very  difficult and complicated situation of the enmity in Hotan district that we  have last decades especially since 1990". Who is the "enemy" that Wang  Lequan talked about when describing the situation in Hotan district?  Certainly the enemy of Wang Lequan is a people of Hotan over years  peacefully expressing discontent with the Chinese policy of oppression. If  we remember the political events taken place in Hotan district during 1990-s  we can see that there have never been any mass "violent" and "terrorist"  movements of the local people. On July 7, 1995 incident of the "7th July"  took place, i.e. on July 7, 1995 about 3,000 Uygurs protesting against the  Chinese authorities' arbitrary dismissal of the Imam of "Beytulla Mosque" in  the city of Hotan Abdul Keyim Abdumejit and organized a peaceful  demonstration in front of the building of district administration, but they  were bloody suppressed by the Chinese authorities. In the county of Lop the  incident of the "9th August" occurred, i.e. on the 9th of August when a  young Uygur by the name Murtaza has been executed being accused in  "separatist activity" and the authorities refused to return his body to his  family, more than 10, 000 Uygurs gathered in front of the building of local  county people's government to protest against the their action, the Chinese  authorities brutally suppressed non-armed civilians by armed forces and then  set martial law. The clash was followed by the mass arbitrary arrests of the  innocent young Uygurs. As a result, a group of young Uygurs led by Kurash  and Shireli, who were among those to be arrested, had to hide and then offer  armed resistance to Chinese police and military forces. So, the "enemies"  that Wang Lequan talked about were those innocent Uygurs protesters against  the Chinese government's policy of oppression. In the initial part of his  secret report Wang Lequan discussed the policy to be carried out in Hotan in  future: "I am not discussing the economic issues here, I want talk only  about the constant work to be taken, henceforth it is necessary to  strengthen without hesitation the "hard strike" campaign aimed at pursuit  and capture of Shireli". These words of Wang Lequan testify that the people  of Hotan will face more disasters in future.  Wang Lequan in his speech also informed about underground activity of a  group young Uygur in Kashgar district led by Yasin Memet, who like Shireli  is a disciples of Ablikim Makhsum Hadji from Qarghaliq county of Kashgar  district and that these two leaders maintain contacts  with each other. So  from now on the main task of the authorities will be pursuit and capture of  Yasin Memet in Kashgar and Shireli in Hotan districts.  Thus, Wang Lequan's report makes it obvious that at present the armed  forces continue to fight against the Chinese governmental forces not only in  Hotan area, but also in neighboring Kashgar area. 

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NEWS RELEASE :  1999[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] - 2000 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]  
